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2022-2024 MAG Code of Points
Updates, Clarifications, and 
Changes from the previous cycle

This page contains the most significant changes for the Men's Gymnastics

2022 Code of Points from that of the previous cycle and brings together clarifications, interpretations, and updates from newsletters and other reliable sources*.

Attention is brought to rules and long-standing elements which have been removed, as those changes are otherwise easily overlooked.

Recent Clarifications and changes are noted in BLUE

Some personal observations and comments are in italics.

While every effort is made to maintain accuracy, this is not an official FIG document. 

This page is intended to be a handy reference, a resource for sharing information,

and supplement to studying the 2022 Code of Points, not a replacement. 

For reference, here are links to the most recent editions (July 2022) of the CoP:

English - German - Russian 2022 CoP

French - English - Spanish 2022 CoP

Note: This page uses the following terminology:

  • Swallow = Maltese/Hirondelle/Support Scale at ring height

  • Planche = Support Scale (above ring height)/Top Planche

  • Back Lever = hanging scale rearways

  • Flair = Flare/Thomas

  • Basket = Peach/Felge

*Resources include:

Updated  6 December 2023

General Rules

  • Can no longer raise rings to accommodate height

  • Spraying of the apparatus is not permitted (except on Parallel Bars) (Newsletter #1)

  • 7 E panel judges, average 3 middle scores (as per General Judges Rules) No reference judges

  • New Judges’ Uniform is: Dark blue suit, white shirt & tie

  • Neutral deductions for a short exercise have changed considerably (See table)   

  • New element naming rules

    • Only at Group 3 or higher FIG competitions

    • C value or higher and performed for value​

  • No deduction for landing with feet slightly apart - now defined as hip width  (Newsletter #2)

  • Low landing (hips below the knees) = -0.5 deduction (Newsletter #2)

  • Eliminated deductions for 2 or more attempts at a hold or strength part.

  • Eliminated -0.5 deductions for:

    • Non-distinct positions (tuck, pike, straight)​

    • Poor posture or body position or postural corrections in end positions

      • Only -0.1 or -0.3 deductions are possible for these faults as larger faults would lead to recognition as a different body position

    • Interruption of upward movement

  • Added pictogram to the appendix to further clarify this rule

  • Shorthand symbols have been added for elements that were previously lacking symbols

ND COP 22.png
Body position pictogram.jpg
General Rules
Specific Apparatus Rules



D Jury

  • 75 seconds time limit (not 70)

  • Gymnasts can perform on the same diagonal up to 3 times in a row. After 3 diagonals, they must then use a side-line to an unused corner of the floor

    • ​Clarified sideline as <12 m.

    • Diagonal is any other acrobatic line

    • There is no requirement of when a group 1 element must be performed regarding use of diagonals.

    • If a gymnast uses the same diagonal 4 times in a row they will receive a -0.3 penalty taken by the D1 once during an exercise. 

  • Unlimited connection allowed, including both sides of an element. 

  • Connecting elements must be within counting 10 elements (8 for juniors).

  • No bonus for directly connected single salto elements with turns:   e.g. salto bwd 5/2 to salto fwd 1/1 is no connection. A twisting single salto connected to a non-twisting single salto element will receive connection bonus. (e.g. Front salto with 2/1 twists to front layout or whip to back salto with 3/1 twists will receive connection bonus.)

  • Low landing (hips below knees) = Large deduction (-0.5) therefore, no connection bonus (Euros 2023)

  • 1/1 Spindle to handstand must be performed within 2 circles, rising to handstand during the 3rd front support (FIG example) (Newsletter #2)

    • 1/1 spindles start and finish in front support within 6 hand placements. For spindle to handstand the 360° turn must be completed in rear support after the 5th hand placement. The movement to handstand finishes with the 6th hand placement (Newsletter #3)

    • There are video examples on STS and in NL#3

  • If a gymnast steps or lowers his legs and touches the floor while pressing to handstand, no value will be given for the press. However, they may still receive credit for the hanstand if held. (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Tinsica / Kasamatsu style skills are permitted this cycle

  • A multiple salto element is now required for Juniors

E Jury

  • The gymnast is not permitted to take a simple step in order to arrive to the corner (or at any other time). Analyses has shown that more gymnasts now seem to be making this simple error again. (-0.1) (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • V or Manna press to handstand: also permitted with straddled legs

  • For Manna, legs up to 30° short of horizontal= 0.1 deduction. All other leg positions up to vertical are evaluated as a V sit with no deduction (FIG example) (Newsletter #3)

  • For V Sit, Legs short of vertical

    • up to 15° = 0.1 deduction

    • >15°-30° = 0.3 deduction (Newsletter #3)

  • Endo roll piked to handstand (I.45) must have legs together, otherwise, a 0.3 atypical straddle deduction will be taken. (Newsletter #39)

  • Japanese handstands should be held in a straight vertical line. Angular shoulder deviations will receive appropriate deductions (Worlds 2022)

  • Endo jump to prone must land on the arms and lower to front support with control (FIG example) (Newsletter #2)

  • An element should be performed with such excellent technique and amplitude that the gymnast fully completes it and has time to extend their body to reduce rotational velocity prior to landing. (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Gymnasts must settle their landings on every acrobatic element displaying full control of the landing and bringing the heels together before moving to the corner or another element. Uncontrolled momentary landings incur small, medium or large deductions (Worlds 2022)

    • Gymnasts may not rush to corners, choreographic jump/leap/element, or jump/fall to prone immediately following an acrobatic element to cover up landing errors​

    • Gymnast have been given 5 extra seconds this cycle to accomplish this during routines. (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • “Pauses of two seconds or more before acrobatic series or elements are not permitted. Simple movements of the arms are included in the definition of a pause and therefore the counting begins the moment the gymnast's feet are together and/or when the gymnast comes to a stand” (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Simple steps: A little jump can be interpreted as a "simple step"/poor choreography (i.e., a little hop followed by 180° step) (Cottbus WC 2023)

  • Japanese handstands require the head to be within one hand “thickness” from the floor (Changed from one hand “width” –  I am not sure this is accurately reflected in the French)

  • Tinsica style skills must complete the turn, otherwise deductions for incomplete turn may apply. (Worlds 2022)

Element Value Changes

  • New Element: Nagornyy - III.24 Triple salto backward piked = I  (Newsletter #38)

  • New Element: Zapata 2 - II.48 Double salto forward straight with 3/2  twist = H (Newsletter #39) 

  • New Element: Minami 2 - III.66 Double salto backward with 7/2 turn = H (Newsletter #3)

  • I.79 used to be "2 circles or flairs" now "1 circle or flair"

  • II.42 Zapata - Double salto fwd tucked with 3/2 twist = F (Not G) 

The following elements have been merged into the same code box:

  • II.13   Salto fwd tuck/pike and salto fwd tuck/pike with ½ twist (A)

  • II.14   Salto fwd stretched and salto fwd  stretched with ½ twist  (B)

  • II.20   Salto fwd tucked with 1/1 twist & Salto fwd tucked with 3/2 twist (B)

  • II.27   Salto fwd stretched with 1/1 twist & Salto fwd stretched with 3/2 twist (C)

  • II.16   Double salto fwd and double salto fwd with ½ twist  (D)

  • II.17   Double salto fwd piked and double salto fwd piked with ½ twist  (E)

  • III.8    Salto bwd stretched with ½ twist OR with 1/1 twist (B)

  • III.27  Salto bwd stretched with 1 ½ twist and Salto bwd stretched with 2/1 twist (C)

  • III.2    Salto bwd stretched & Tempo salto bwd (B)

The following elements have been removed:

  • Back walkover / Menichelli

  • Riek (straddle Endo to wide arm)

  • Breakdance variations

  • Front headspring/neckspring

  • 1/1 twist to front handspring

  • Front salto stretched to front support (II.38 tucked & piked is still o.k.(B))

  • Front salto 1/1 to front support

  • Front aerial walkover

  • Jump backward ½ twist to front handspring (WAG Onodi)

  • Arabian tucked/piked to front support

  • Deferr piked (II.46 Deferr tucked is still o.k. (D))

Pommel Horse


E Jury

  • Clarified the deduction for leg separation on Russians Wendeswings is per circle (“each full turn”) and not per element.

  • Clarified deductions for scissor HS:

    • Hip bend, strength, and/or lowering of legs receives one deduction (FIG Course 2023)

  • Gymnasts showing support with their leg before completing Mikulak style elements receive -0.5 deduction for interruption of exercise without a fall. (FIG examples) (Newsletter #3)

  • Evaluate angular deviations in circle before spindles (small, medium, large) (Worlds 2022) 

  • "In flair or circle to handstand dismounts execution deductions for hesitation, strength, bent arms, lowering of the hips, and unsteadiness must be considered on the rise to handstand." (Worlds 2022)

  • "There is no deduction for bending of the hips on the rise to handstand" (from a circle) (Worlds 2022)

  • In the case of a large error (involving swing with strength and/or lowering of hips) on handstands from circles or flairs, the gymnast receives a -0.5 deduction and deductions for aesthetic errors (legs, feet, bent arms, touch horse, etc.) (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Pirouetting handstand dismounts in which the legs open, close, and open again will receive -0.1 deduction (each time) (Worlds 2022)

  • Removed: “Elevation of hips” as a requirement for scissors and leg swings.

  • Angular deviations (skew) on Magyar and Sivados: (FIG Course 2023 & Judges' Instructions Spring 2023)

    • Measured by the position of hands on the leather​

      • Magyar: in rear support​

      • Sivado: in front support 

    • Do not deduct for skew of first hand on stepping circle (need to wait for the placement of 2nd hand to determine angular deviation)

    • Only deduct for angular deviation when the hands are on the same part of the horse (1-1, 3-3, 5-5) (FIG example 1 & FIG example 2) (Newsletter #3)

D Jury

  • Scissor to handstand with extreme hip bend (> 90°) or if a leg or legs move between the pommels will not be recognized for value (FIG examples) (Newsletter #2) 

  • Mikulak-type scissors that show any support on the leg before completing the element will not be recognized for value (Worlds 2022) (FIG examples from Newsletter #3)

  • Busnari elements: 

    • Need to finish in circle, not legcut or scissor

    • Will be recognized if it has more than 360° of turning (FIG example) (Newsletter #3)

  • II.50 Direct Stockli A: added wording "on the pommels or pommel between hands" (EN-FR-ES version)

  • Bertonceli and ¾ Bezugo added to flop and combined elements, and can only be performed at the beginning of flop or combined sequences. (See table) and must be followed by at least one circle because these elements end in cross support on the pommel (Worlds 2022)

  • Flop sequences (without Russians) containing Bertonceli and ¾ Bezugo will upgrade one letter value (3 flops=E; 4 flops=F).

  • Differentiation on step/travel up from end to single pommel (TC Presentation slide #28)

    • From cross support both hands on leather = Loop

    • From side support one hand on leather, other on pommel (1-2), Step up with 90° or 180° turn = Stockli 

  • Magyars are not considered finished until front support position has been reached. Magyars with early 1/4 turn to side front support will be devalued to B for 1/2 or 2/3 cross travel (Worlds 2022)

  • Wu and Roth elements that begin in cross support facing out (Reverse Wu and Reverse Roth) will be devalued if the first movement is a backward (reverse stockli-type) movement. 

    • Reverse Wu will be evaluated as a D (III.76 Russian 630 with 3/3 travel).

    • Reverse Roth will be evaluated as an A (II.103 180/270 Russian) or C (III.81 Kroll) depending on if a complete 360° turn is performed following the backward entry.

  • Circle to handstand dismounts where the gymnast's feet hit or kick the side of the horse before continuing to handstand will not be recognized for value (Worlds 2022)

  • Handstand dismounts that end on the wrong side get downgraded one value (2022 Worlds)

  • Swing with strength and/or lowering of the hips or legs in achieving handstands from circles or flairs will receive value for the element and element group (with E-jury deductions)

    • However, if there is a large error, no recognition will be given for the dismount. (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • When performing a 3/3 travel during a handstand, "support" with one hand must be shown on both ends of the horse to receive the 3/3 upgrade in value (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Removed rule about circle and flair elements having the same value but drawn at random in the CoP.

  • FIG Shorthand symbols added or modified for: II.52, III.28, III.29, III.35, III.41, III.53, III.76, III.93, & IV.22

Bezugo-Bertoncelj flop box.jpg

D Jury
Maximum Element Restrictions

  • Many new restrictions of a maximum number of certain types of elements.

  • A maximum of two Russian Wendeswings are permitted for value in an exercise, including the dismount, however, only one Russian Wendeswing is permitted in the same location on the horse. 

  • The following examples illustrate this rule:

    • Russian on the end 1080° + Russian 720° to wende = No value + C value.

    • Russian between pommels 720° + Russian between 1080° = No value + E value

    • Russian between pommels 360° + Russian on the end 1080° + Russian 360° to wende = C value + no value + B value (dismount is counted first).

  • A maximum of two (3/3) Russian Wendeswings travel elements are permitted for value in an exercise.

  • A maximum of two 3/3 travel with spindle elements are permitted for value in an exercise

  • A maximum of two full spindle elements are permitted for value in an exercise

  • Previous restrictions of a maximum of two handstand elements and a maximum of two 3/3 cross travels still apply as in the past cycle.

  • Maximum of two Sohn-type elements

  • Maximum of two Bezugo-type elements

  • Maximum 2 Bezugo and Sohn includes combined elements (flops) and handstands. (Newsletter #39)

Pommel Horse
Element Value Changes

  • I.21   Scissor backward to handstand (also with ½ turn after) = C (not D)

  • Clarification: "Half Eichorn" II.26  Any 1/2 spindle (Start 1-3 to finish 3-5 is not considered a travel) (FAQ Jan 2022) 

  • Named Element: Davtyan - II.81 Reverse Stockli with 270° turn (Bezugo technique) = C (Newsletter #1)

  • New Element: Titov - III.28 3/3 travel with 1/2 spindle from one pommel over the other pommel = D (Newsletter #1) Shares box with "Nin Reyes"

  • III.35   Urzica 2 - Cross support travel in flair with 1/1 spindle inside 2 circles = D (Newsletter #39) 

  • New Element: Burkhart - III.35 Side support travel in flair with 1/1 spindle inside 2 circles = D (Newsletter #1) Shares box as "Urzica 2"

  • III.41   Magyar over both pommels (without hop) = E; III.42 Driggs (with hop) = F

  • New Element: Reid - III.53 Travel backward in cross support over both pommels in flairs with hop (Newsletter #3)

  • New Russian travel element: III.76 “from support 1-2, 3/3 travel in Russian type Wendeswing with 630° or more turning = (D) III.36

  • New Element: Loos - IV.16 Reverse stockli with hop backwards through handstand on other end. = D (Newsletter #39) Shares box with "Jessen"

  • New Element: Dolidze - From pommels, circle with 1/4 turn to Russian wendeswing 270° on 1 pommel to handstand = D (Judges' Instructions Junior Worlds 2023/Newsletter #3)

The following elements have been merged into the same code box:

  • I.4  Scissor forward to HS (Li Ning) and Scissor forward to HS with ¼ turn after (Bryan) (D)

  • I.21  Scissor backward to HS and Scissor backward to HS with ¼ turn after (C) (not D)

  • II.25    ¼ spindle from cross support, ¼ spindle from side support (A)

  • II.26    ½ spindle from cross support, ½ spindle from side support (B)

  • II.34    1/1 spindle from cross support, 1/1 spindle from side support on the end (D)​​

    • Side support 1/1 with 1 pommel between hands remains in a separate box (D) (II.28)

  • II.52   Keikha 3 & 6 (D)

  • II.30   Keikha 1 & 5 (F)

  • III.28  Nin Reyes & Titov (D)

  • III.29  Nin Reyes 2 & Keikha 4 (E)

  • III.35  Urzica 2 & Burkhart (E)

  • No longer a differentiation between forward and backward travels in side support.

    • Now “any travel in side support” (A, B, C, & D values) Also applies to side hop travels

The following elements have been removed:

  • Double Suisse

  • Undercut to HS then lower to circle

  • Kehrswing bwd hop ½ on pommels

  • Sellathurai 1 & 2: cross support 1/1 spindles with travel elements

  • Flaired Magyar & Sivado travels.  (Same value as legs together - The only element that upgrades in a flair position is a flop. e.g. E flop performed in flair = F )

  • III.14 Circles with travel bwd with hop

    • It is already included in III.8 (Circles with any hop travel in side support 1/3) = B


  • Much of the wording in the introductory section was re-written and reorganized for better clarity.

  • Restructured to:

    • Information about Exercise Presentation

    • Information about the D score

    • Element performance applicable to D & E score (New section – No other apparatus includes a combined D/E section)

  • Mandatory 10 cm mat on top of the basic 20 cm landing mat

  • The rings will be raised 10 cm to 290 cm.

  • Removed -0.3 penalty for 2 or more Guczoghy elements (Newsletter #39) (still a maximum of 2)

  • Although values haven't changed, MANY elements have been moved to different boxes in EG II & EG III.

    • Most of the EG II changes (to have better placement for new elements) were mentioned in MTC Newsletter #39 ​

    • Many EG III elements have been re-organized to group them more logically by type of swing entry

D Jury

  • On swing to strength and press to strength elements, the final hold position CAN be recognized if performed to technical requirements, even if high entry or unrecognizable start position.

    • E.g. gymnast performs honma to cross, but the entry position is above 45 degrees will receive a 0.5 deduction and will receive B value for the cross if the performance criteria for the cross is fulfilled.

    • E.g. Back lever press to Swallow with minimal movement (less than a body width) Only Swallow is recognized (as long as it meets technical requirements for Swallow).

    • In case of non-recognition, the final hold part will not contribute to the 3 elements in a row rule (TC presentation slide #19)

  • Long swing and swing to strength elements with arm bend greater than 90° will not be recognized (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Swing to strength elements performed with an excessive arm bend (>90°) will not be recognized (FIG examples) (Newsletter #3)

  • During hold positions and strength presses, the arms (and where relevant the body) must be straight throughout the execution of the element. If the arms or body bends more than 45° the element will not be recognized (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Jonasson/Yamawaki type elements should be performed with continuous movement and with shoulders above Ring height. If a clear support phase is shown the element will not be recognised and receive 0.5 deduction. In this case, the element cannot be split into Honma and fwd swing to hang. These elements performed slowly will be recognised but with a medium or small deduction (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Clarified: Planche (not Swallow) if shoulders are completely above the top of the rings

    • “The position of the arms, (i.e. slightly wide or hands turned out) does not define the value of the element”

  • Balandin 1 & 3 are in separate boxes, which have moved

    • II.131 Balandin 1 - From vertical hang pull to Swallow (E)

    • II.137 Balandin 3 - From vertical hang pull to Planche (E)

    • Balandin style elements will not be recognized if shoulders rise above 45° when the legs pass the vertical line, or if the body bends > 45° at any point during the element (Newsletter #2)

  • FIG Shorthand symbols added or modified for: II.66, II.131, II.137

E Jury

  • An exercise must start in a hang position with arms vertical and straight. (Newsletter #2)

    • Arms not vertical = -0.1​

    • Potential additional deduction for strength with swing

  • Potential deductions in Longswings (Junior Worlds 2023)

    • 1. Lowering of legs from original position​

    • 2. Bending of the arms at any time

    • 3. Bent body during handstand

    • 4. Unsteadiness in handstand

    • 5. Excessive swinging of cables

    • 6. Leaning on cables

    • 7. Time

  • Clarified deductions for arms too close to body on Swallow

    • Arms touching body = -0.1

    • Obvious support of the body with the arms = -0.3

  • Swing to strength elements performed with an excessive arm bend (>90°) receive -0.5 deduction (FIG examples) (Newsletter #3)

  • Nakayama elements should pass through scale rearways or receive angular deviation deductions (Worlds 2022) 

  • Nakayama and Azarian elements should be performed slowly with control. No bounce or kip action is permitted (Worlds 2022)

  • During hold positions and strength presses, the arms (and where relevant the body) must be straight throughout the execution of the element. (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Clarified deductions for slow, interruption or support phase during Jonasson and Yamawaki (TC E jury slide # 23)

    • Slowly (recognized with a medium or small deduction)​

    • Interruption - Shoulders more forward = -0.3

    • Support - Shoulders likely to be in vertical line = -0.5 +NR

  • Removed piked position from back uprise to HS (now only allowed with straight body)

  • Removed specification of straight arms from individual element descriptions (All elements are expected to have straight arms unless otherwise specified) These are the only elements authorized to be performed with bent arms:

    • I.55        Back kip to support (A)

    • I.67        Felge backward to support (A)

    • I.74        Back kip or roll backward to Handstand (B)

    • II.25       Bent arm, bent body press to Handstand (A)

    • II.26       Bent arm, straight body press to Handstand (B)

    • II.31       Slow roll forward piked (A)

    • II.32       Slow roll forward straight body (B)

    • II.50       Vertical pull to back lever (B)

    • Many of these changes were not made in French.

Element Value Changes

Element Changes:

  • New Element: Zou - EG II From inverted cross lower slowly to inverted hang and felge bwd slowly to V cross = E (Newsletter #2)

  • New Element: Simonov - EG II Roll backward slowly with straight arms and body to inverted cross through swallow = F (Newsletter #2)

  • New Element: Gracia - EG III Honma to V sit = C (Newsletter #2)

  • New Element: Ait Said - II.113 Roll backward slowly with straight arms and body to handstand through swallow = E 

  • New Element: Cingolani - II.130 From hang, vertical pull up to handstand with straight body and arms = D (Newsletter #39)

  • II.19     Straddle Planche = A (not B).

  • II.107  Azarian Swallow = E (not F);

    • (II.101  Azarian Planche remains E)

  • III.56   Felge and  III.68  Backuprise to straddle planche = B (not C)

  • III.65  Felge, III.77  backuprise and III.53 back kip to inverted cross = E (not D)

  • IV.1   Dismount: salto forward with ½ turn = A (not B)

    • (Same box as salto forward piked or straight without twist)

  • IV.2   Dismount: salto forward with 1/1 twist = B (not C)

  • IV.25  Dismount: salto backward with ½ twist = A (not B)

    • (Same box as salto bwd piked or straight without twist)

The following elements have been removed:

  • I.13 Nakayama (underswing with shoulders above rings)

  • Li Ning elements

  • Pineda elements

  • L Sit press to inverted cross

    • (L Cross bent body press to Inverted Cross remains a D)

  • L Cross straight body press to Inverted Cross.

    • (Straight Cross straight body press to Invert Cross remains an E)

  • L-cross press to Swallow. 

    • (Straight Cross press to Swallow remains an E)

  • Back kip to straddle planche

  • Köste dismounts



Vault Groups have been changed

  1. Single Salto Vaults with complex twists

    • Handspring salto fwd with 1/1 or more twists

    • Tsukahara vaults with 3/2 or more twists (Kaz ½ or more)

  2. Handspring, Handspring salto vaults with or without simple twists, and all double salto fwd.

    • Handspring vaults without salto  (with or without post flight twists)

    • Handspring with salto forward with up to ½ twist

    • Roche, Dragulescu

  3. Handspring sideways (1/4 on), Tsukahara vaults with or without simple twists and all double salto bwd.

    • ¼ on vaults without salto (with or without post-flight twists)

    • Tsukahara vaults with up to 1/1 twist (Kazamatu with no additional twists)

    • Tsukahara double back, pike double back, double back with 1/1 twist

  4. Round off entry vaults.

    • Yurchenkos, Yurchenko ½ on & Sherbo style vaults

Other Changes

  • Changed wording of 2nd vault requirements, as the new vault groups render additional clarifications unnecessary.

  • Removed deduction for two vaults with a similar flight phase

  • Removed Handspring vaults which specified 1/1 twist before salto (Behrend, Rehm, Arican)

  • Removed ¼ on -1/4 off with salto forward vaults

  • Twisting during vaults must be completed before landing. Incomplete twists of 90° or more will result in recognition as a vault with a lower difficulty value. (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Specified straddled legs are not permitted in 2nd phase of vault.

  • Deduction for insufficient turning on Yurchenko ½ on vaults with devaluation possible if more than 90°

  • Only 2 vaults allowed during 30 second warm-up period during all phases of competition

    • The gymnast is entitled to their 2 warm-up vaults even if the 30 second warm-up has expired

    • The Line Judge is responsible for ensuring the 2 vault maximum is respected during the warm-up period.

    • Neutral deduction of -0.3 for failure to respect the 2 vault maximum rule

    • If a gymnast performs two vaults from a run, and then remounts the horse to perform a salto or jump off the horse to a landing, this will be considered as a 3rd warm up attempt and will be deducted 0.3 (Worlds 2022)

  • For vaults at Worlds 2022 and Junior Worlds 2023, deductions were separated and noted in 4 phases: 

    • 1) Preflight, 2) Support, 3) Post-flight, 4) Landing​​

    • Do not double deduct for the same error continued to the next phase (e.g., legs apart on preflight, remain apart but then come together during support phase = 1 deduction)

Parallel Bars

  • Permitted assistance for the 50-second warm-up prior to competition (i.e. one touch) 

    • Qualifications or Team Finals: Any FOP-accredited person from the federation of the gymnasts may assist

    • All-Around or Apparatus Finals: A maximum of 3 people (the competing gymnast, coach, and 1 other FOP accredited person) may be on the podium to prepare the bars (Junior Worlds 2023) 

  • Must be a swing to handstand for A value credit

  • Combined forward and reverse pirouette into the same box.

  • Healy and Makuts type turns caught with an arm bend greater than 90° will not be recognized for value

    • Salto forward to support type elements have been added to the 90° arm bend non-recognition rule.​

    • Giants and Baskets with arm bend greater than 90° will not be recognized (CWG 2022)

  • For recognition of elements that end in handstand (e.g., Diamidov), the gymnast must clearly show the handstand position before proceeding into elements. (FIG example) (Newsletter #3)

  • I.95 (Lee Chul Hon/Sasaki) 5/4 forward salto to hang must go directly to hang (not through support to hang)

  • Specified deductions for lack of amplitude for front uprise. (Back should be horizontal)

    • Up to 45° below horizontal = -0.1, more than 45° = -0.3

  • Front uprise with hand slide will receive -0.1 deduction (2022 Worlds)

  • Front uprise with 1/4 turn to Handstand must be followed by a glide kip on one rail-type element for F value. 

    • If no kip on one rail-type element, then recognize as Kovtun (C) (FIG Course 2023, Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Tippelt performance expectations: It is a swinging element that must have continuous upward movement with no visible use of strength

  • Baskets elements with turn to handstand must be performed without additional hand placements (i.e. basket ½ to handstand can have only 1 hand placement before arriving in handstand.

    • Two or more hand placements will result in devaluation to basket with ¼ turn)

  • Giant swing backwards to handstand must end immediately in a straight handstand position. 

    • Ending with legs bent and then straightening  = -0.5 (Junior Worlds 2023)

  • Elements with saltos: Only one variation of each type of salto is allowed (includes: II.53, II.54, III.64, III.65, III.71 & III.77)

  • Maximum of two giant swings through handstand (III. 21, 22, 29, 30, 42, 46, 48)

  • Maximum of two basket swings through handstand (III. 106, 107, 108, 114, 119, 120, 130, 131, 137)

Parallel Bars
Element Value Changes

  • New Element: Kuavita - I.48 (From support) Double salto backwards with half turn to upper arm = F (Newsletter #39)

  • New Element: II.6  Fwd. uprise Stutz with 3/4 turn to one bar = F 

  • New Element: Kovtun - II.15 From upper arm, back toss with quarter turn to one rail = C (Newsletter #39)

    • See above to differentiate from Front uprise with 1/4 to handstand (F).

  • Named Element: Pakhniuk 1 - II.53 Bwd. uprise and 5/4 salto fwd straddled to upper arm hang = E

  • New Element: Pakhniuk 2 - II.54  Bwd uprise and 5/4 salto fwd straddled to hang = F

  • New Element: Malone - III.137 Shoot up to handstand fall back to support with 1/4 turn = E (Newsletter #39)

  • II.46   Back uprise to salto forward can be piked or straight = D

  • III.29  Giant Diamadov = E (not D)

  • III.30  Giant Diamadov with ¼ or ½ turn = F (not E)

  • III.42  Giant Diamadov to one rail connected to Healy type element = F (not E)

  • Named Element: Matsunaga - III.64  Giant swing bwd and salto with 1/2 turn to upper arm hang = D (Newsletter #3) 

  • III.65  Giant swing bwd and salto with ½ turn to hang = E (not D)  

  • III.105  Basket ¼ turn merged to same box as Baskets without turn (D)

    • (III.107  Basket ½ & ¾ turn remain E value)

  • Restored: Cucherat-Celen - III.106 Basket with inlocation to handstand (Shares box with Basket to handstand)

  • III.131 Nguyen - Shoot up with 1/2 or 3/4 turn to handstand = E

  • IV.1    Dismount: salto forward with ½ twist = A (not B) (Same box as salto forward piked or straight)

  • IV.11  Dismount: double front tucked with ½ twist = E (not F)

  • IV.18  Dismount: double front piked with ½ twist = F (not G)

  • Dismount: Back salto dismounts from hang on end:

    • IV.45   Double salto bwd tucked = C (not B)

    • IV.46   Double salto bwd piked = D (not C)

    • IV.47   Double salto bwd with 1/1 turn = E (not D)

  • Removed circle & flair elements

  • Removed Shoot HS hop to other rail and straddled shoot HS

  • FIG Shorthand symbols added or modified for: I.48, I.105, II.6, II.15, III.65, III.81, III.126, III.137

High Bar


D Jury

  • Giants with arm bend greater than 90° will not be recognized (CWG 2022)

  • Russian giant must be inlocated "over the top" for recognition (Worlds 2022)

  • Connection:

    • Connecting elements must be within the 10 counting elements.

    • Can connect Adler to flight for bonus

    • D or higher Adler + D flight = +0.1

    • D or higher Adler + E or higher flight = +0.2

  • Only 2 Kovacs style elements are permitted

  • Only 2 Tkatchev or Piatti-style elements are permitted

  • Three of the same style flight elements are only permitted if one is directly connected to another release

    • E.g. Kolman then later in routine Kovacs + Gaylord II

    • E.g. Tkatchev straight + Tkatchev then later in routine Liukin

    • E.g. Tkatchev + Gienger and later Tkatchev straight and later Piatti

  • “Regrasping Tkatchev ½ or Yamawaki ½ elements without sufficient turning and continuing to handstand (or directly connecting to a release element) will receive no value.”

  • Straight Tkatchev will be recognized as Piked Tkatchev if performed with body bend >45° when the feet pass over the bar (FIG examples) (Newsletter #2)

  • “Flight elements always receive value if a distinct hang phase is shown before the gymnast falls.”

  • Piatti style elements from the stoop circle (feet on the bar) are not permitted

    • Piattis from Stalders and free hips are still permitted

  • Rybalko or Piatti from Stalder with legs together are not permitted

  • All Endo, Stalder, Weiler, and Kip elements with turn are divided up in two elements except for Stalder Rybalko (e.g. Endo + 1/1 turn to El-Grip = B + C)

  • Endos, Stalders, Weilers, and Adlers must pass over the bar to be recognized.

  • Endo in el-grip through handstand. (Element III.93): For the recognition of this element the gymnast must start the element in el-grip handstand and must go over the top of the bar in el-grip at the end of the element.

  • Removed principles regarding upgrades in values for turning elements

  • Steineman (B) followed by a simple stoop exit must be followed by a Stalder (B) for no angle deduction. If not followed by a Stalder, it will be evaluated as an attempted Koste (C) with angle deductions (Worlds 2022) (FIG examples from Newsletter #3)

  • Removed previous rules about breaking up elements when a grip change occurs. (Most are separated now.)

  • Removed: “The element has the same value and identification number whether it crosses the bar or not, as long as the amplitude stipulations have been met.”

  • FIG Shorthand symbols added or modified for: III.33, III.57, III.100

E Jury

  • “A cast, consisting in a maximum of three swings, is permitted in order to begin an exercise without deduction.  Additional swings will be deducted 0.3.” Each movement forward, each movement backward, and the cast are each counted as a swing. FIG video clarifying what constitutes movement (Newsletter #2)

  • If a gymnast mounts with a back-uprise to support followed by a free-hip (or other movement) they will receive -0.3 deduction for reversal of direction (FIG examples) (Newsletter #3)

    • Support is defined as arms above 45°

    • No deduction if no support is shown during the swing rearward

  • For all Adler elements, it is NOT required to enter from a handstand (Newsletter #39)

  • Endo may come from a hang as a mount or after release (Worlds 2022)

  • Removed small and large deductions for entry angle deviations for Endos, Stalders & Weilers

    • Now -0.3 for any entry angle deviation regardless of severity

  • Deduction for elements not continuing in the intended direction is now -0.3 (not -0.5)

  • -0.1 deduction for additional grip change (additional or intermediate hand support) including: (Newsletter #2)

    • Zou Li Min or Adler 1/1 to mixed grip followed by immediate grip change to undergrip​

    • Endo, Kip, or Back uprise with overgrip followed by two consecutive grip changes to undergrip (deduct -0.1 for second grip change) (FIG examples video)

    • Hand slide before Adler elements (Worlds 2022)

  • Clarification of Quast & Rybalko expectations:

    • Visible hop and fluid turn, not turning on the supporting arm

  • One angle deduction table for elements to and through handstand including any kind of turns.

    • 0° - 15° =  No deduction

    • >15° - 30°  = 0.1

    • >30° – 60° = 0.3

    • >60° – 90° = 0.5

    • Below horizontal = 0.5 & Non recognition

  • Stalders and Endos with legs together should have legs horizontal when passing under the bar for no deduction (Worlds 2022) 

    • Legs not horizontal = -0.1 deduction

    • Legs vertical/near vertical = -0.3 deduction​

  • Steineman (B) followed by a simple stoop exit must be followed by a Stalder (B) for no angle deduction. If not followed by a Stalder, it will be evaluated as an attempted Koste (C) with angle deductions (Worlds 2022)

  • Removed: “Elements with turns must show the turns as an integral part of the element being performed and the turn must be initiated on the way up.”

  • Bent knees during swing actions

    • < 60° = 0.1​

    • > 60° = 0.3

  • To my knowledge, the exact angle for the -0.1 or -0.3 deductions for arm bend on regrasping after flight elements  has never been defined.

    • Please contact me if you know where this exists.

The angle deduction table has been simplified for high bar, but is different from all of the other angle deduction tables (Rings strength, swing to handstand, incomplete twists etc.)

See our MAG Angle Deduction Chart for a quick reference comparision of all the MAG Angle Deductions.

High Bar
Element Value Changes

  • Added: III.33 Endo, III.45 Stalder and III.57 Stalder hop to handstand with legs together. All are C value.

  • Added: III.100 Endo with legs together in elgrip = D

  • New Element: Faulk - EG IV Double salto straight with 3/2 twist over the bar (Newsletter #2)

  • Named: Alvarez - IV.17 Double salto forward straight with 3/2 twist. = E (Newsletter #39)

  • II.9  Yamawaki = C (not D);

  • II.15  Tkatchev straddled and II.21 Tkatchev piked are in separate boxes

  • The following elements have been merged into the same code box:

    • II.9   Yamawaki with ½ turn in same box as Yamawaki (C)

    • II.15 Tkatchev straddled with ½ in same box as Tkatchev straddled (C)

    • II.16 Tkatchev stretched with ½ turn in same box as Tkatchev stretched (D) 

    • Piatti Elements have been merged similarly to Tkatchev elements and hold 1 value higher than their Tkatchev counterparts

    • II.23 Tkatchev straddled ½ to double el-grip remains in its own box (E)

  • Removed flying giant swing backward with 2/1 turn (2/1 turning Quast)

  • Removed: all turning variations of Kip to handstands, Weilers, Clear hip circles, Endos & Stalders: (Exception: III.40 Stalder Rybalko to mixed and III.41 to el-grip still remain)

  • Removed: Jansen (Stalder ½ to rear vault ½)

  • Removed Likhovitsky (Koste ½ turn to el-grip)

Please let me know if you notice any significant omissions or errors.
(You can use the contact form below!)

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