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2025-2028 MAG Code of Points
Updates, Clarifications, and 
Changes from the previous cycle

This page contains the most significant changes for the Men's Gymnastics

2025-2028 Code of Points from that of the previous cycle, bringing together clarifications, interpretations, and updates from newsletters and other reliable sources*.


The changes listed here are based on the version of the

MAG 2025-2028 Code of Points that was released in July of 2024.

This resource will be updated when clarifications and interpretations are communicated through MTC Newsletters,

the FIG Judges’ Course presentations, and

FIG Competition Judges’ Instructions.


This page should serve as a convenient index to know where to find changes, corrections, and updates that can be used in conjunction with

official MTC communications and the actual Code of Points.


The most recent updates, clarifications, and changes are noted in BLUE

Attention is brought to rules and long-standing elements that have been removed,

as those changes are otherwise easily overlooked

Some personal observations and comments are in italics.


While every effort is made to maintain accuracy, this is not an official FIG document

This page is intended to be a handy reference, a resource for sharing information,

and supplement for studying the 2025 Code of Points, not a replacement. 


Note: This page uses the following terminology:

  • Swallow = Maltese/Hirondelle/Support Scale at ring height

  • Planche = Support Scale (above ring height)/Top Planche

  • Back Lever = hanging scale rearways

  • Flair = Flare/Thomas

  • Basket = Peach/Felge​

*Resources include:


Updated  13 January  2025   

General Rules

  • 50 second touch warm-up period for all apparatus (not just Parallel Bars) (Article 2.1)

  • Note: The -0.5 deduction for a coach speaking directly to or signaling a gymnast during a routine still remains. (Article 3.3)

  • Floor Time judges must give an audible signal at 60 and 70 seconds (Article 5.5.1)

  • 8 counting elements (7+ dismount)

    • Maximum 4 elements from the same element group (Article 6.1)

  • Added table for averaging E scores based on the number of E judges available (Article 6.1)

    • 7 E scores: average middle 3

    • 5 E scores: average middle 3

    • 4 E scores: average middle 2

    • 3 E scores: average the 3

    • 2 E scores: average the 2

  • Updated short exercise table for 8-element routines (Article 6.3) (see table)

  • Added J element = 1.0 (Article 7.1.1)

  • Connection may be awarded only for directly connected recognized high value elements performed without a fall (Article 7.3.2)

    • I.e., Connection can be awarded with a large error (Newsletter 4)

  • In the case of Special Repetition, count the higher value element regardless of other factors. If the values are equal, then choose the element to count for the benefit of the gymnast (IC Course 2024)


Element Group Modifications:

  • Floor Exercise now has four element groups (Article 7.2.2)

  • Vault: Round off entry vaults have been divided into 2 groups (IV & V) (Article

  • Parallel Bars: EGs I and II have been swapped (Article

  • 0.5 is awarded for each element group fulfilled with a D or higher value element (Article 7.2.5)

  • 0.3 is awarded for each element group fulfilled with an A, B, or C (Article 7.2.6)

  • 0.5 is awarded for EG 1 (on all apparatus except for vault) for an element of any value (Article 7.2.6)

  • Dismount Element Groups are awarded the same value as the value of the dismount element - except for floor and vault. (e.g., F dismount gets 0.6 Difficulty Value and 0.6 Element Group value) (Article 7.2.8)​

  • +0.1 stick bonus for stuck dismounts of C or higher value (and Vaults with saltos), except on Pommel Horse. (Article 7.2.9)

    • Stick Bonus may be awarded even when other landing deductions are present (e.g., legs apart, low landing, waving of arms, lack of preparation, etc., even step after showing controlled stuck landing.) (ATL Course 2025)

    • No stick bonus will be awarded if the gymnast lifts their heels to maintain balance (MTC Newsletter 4)​

  • Angular deviations for strength hold and simple hold positions have been modified. (Article 9.2.9)






The following have been eliminated:​

  • Removed: Coach’s responsibility to participate in awards ceremony (previously Article 3.2.i)

  • Removed statement that judges need to possess the category necessary for the level of competition they are judging (previously Article 5.1.b)

  • Removed statement"when in doubt, give the benefit of that doubt to the gymnast." (previously part of Article 5.1.c)

  • Removed Time Judge for Parallel Bars (previously Article 5.3)

  • Removed point about Elements in the same box with different values may be performed in the same exercise with both elements contributing to D score as those elements have been divided into separate boxes in this code. (previously Article 7.1.6)

  • Removed statement that dismount is always counted first on Pommel Horse and Floor exercise (previously Article 7.4.9)

General Rules
Specific Apparatus Rules


  • Noted that line judges observe the 2 lines closest to them “if seated on the field of play” (Article

  • Time reduced to 70 seconds since there are now only 8 counting elements. (Article

    • An audible warning signal will be given at 60 and 70 seconds.

  • The same diagonal may only be used no more than 2 times in a row (Article

    • -0.3 ND for violations. May be taken more than once per exercise. (ATL Course 2025)

      • It is possible to have multiple -0.3 deductions for 3rd diagonal and for unused corner

      • Side pass needs to be parallel to the side. Any deviation from parallel to the side is considered a "diagonal"

  • Clarified that each element or series must end in a visibly controlled landing and stop before continuing to any other type of element. (Not just non-acrobatic elements and includes choreography) (Article

  • -0.1 for a 2 second pause can occur at any point in the routine (not just before an acrobatic element) (ATL Course 2024)

  • Element Groups are as follows (Article 10.2.2)

    • I.   Non-acrobatic elements

    • II.  Acrobatic elements forward

    • III. Acrobatic elements backward

    • IV. Single salto forward and/or backward with 1 or more turns

  • Dismount must be a multiple flipping salto element for seniors (Article

    • Must be inside the 8 counting elements

    • -0.3 ND by D1 Judge if not performed

  • Floor must count the dismount and 7 best elements. (MTC Communication)

    • If the dismount isn't recognized due to simple repetition, too many elements in an element group etc., then only 7 elements can be counted​ (IC Course 2024)

    • If a gymnast doesn't end their routine with an acrobatic element, then only 7 elements can be counted (MTC Newsletter 4)

    • If the dismount is not recognized or counted for value, it can not receive stick bonus. 

    • There is no deduction for doing less than a D value skill as the dismount. Only a -0.3 Neutral Deduction if the dismount is not a multiple salto (MTC Newsletter 4)

  • Roundoff with ¼ turn to land facing forward (Tinsica) is not permitted (Article

    • If performed, the next element and all other elements that follow in that line will not be recognized (ATL Course 2025)

    • Includes cartwheel with ¼ turn to a dive roll (staggered start) = Non-recognition (IC Course 2024)

  • Gymnasts must show a (listed) balance element on one leg (Article

    • May be outside the 8 counting elements

    • Standing Scale with 180º straddle and no hand hold (I.62) must have the leg within 15º of a full split to receive B value (MTC Newsletter 4/ATL Course 2025)

      • >0.0º-15º = 0.1​

      • Below 15º = A value with no deduction

    • Scales with A value should have a minimum of 90º (ATL Course 2025)

      • >5º-20º = 0.1​

      • >20º - 45º - 0.3

      • >45º = 0.5 & NR

    • -0.3 ND by D1 Judge if not performed

  • Maximum of 1 strength element (Article

  • Maximum of 1 circle, flair, or Russian element (Article

    • Execution deductions are per circle, not per element (just like PH) (ATL Course 2025)​

  • Added specified deductions for “Deviation from plane of movement” (E jury deduction table/FIG Courses 2024/2025)

    • -0.1 or -0.3

    • Same concept as vault

    • Cartwheels and round-offs must pass vertically/directly over the top of the gymnast.

    • Deviations from the sagittal plane for saltos count as "other technical errors"

  • Added -0.5 deduction for an empty run during a floor routine (i.e., the gymnast runs across the floor diagonal or side without performing any skills) (MTC Newsletter 4)

    • Cartwheel or other non-coded movement is permitted without -0.5 deduction for empty run (IC Course 2024)​

  • Dive rolls must have a two-foot take-off, facing forward, head height with straight or arched body (FIG Courses 2024/2025)

  • Double salto forward pike with bent legs gets devalued to double salto forward tuck if legs bend before the gymnast's back is parallel to the floor during the second salto. (IC Course 2024)

    • If knee bend occurs after the gymnast's back is parallel to the floor then it is double front pike with E jury deductions​

  • Reminder: Simple steps are anything less than a 180º turn without choreography (ATL Course 2025)

    • Choreography includes jumps, lifting the leg above horizontal during the step​

  • Landing with leg bend does not need to return to a straight leg position before continuing, however the gymnast must show a correct, stabilized landing. (IC Course 2024)

    • While it will not incur a deduction, in my opinion, it aesthetically looks much better to close heels to a straight leg stand than it does to close the heels while legs continue to be bent in a "demi-plié-type" position.​

Element Value Changes

  • I.27 Support lever (Planche) = C (not B) Shares the box with Swallow

  • I.34 Planche press to handstand = D (not C) Shares the box with Swallow press to handstand

  • II.36 Double salto forward with 1/1 turn = F (not E)

  • II.48 Zapata 2 - Double salto forward stretched with 3/2 turn = G (not H)​

  • III.4 Merged Arabian double salto tucked 1/2 with Double salto backward tucked with 1/1 = D (MTC Newsletter 4)

    • Arabian double salto tucked merged into the same box (III.4) = D (IC Course 2024)

  • III.5 Merged Double Salto Bwd tucked with 2/1, 3/2, and Korosteljev = E

  • III.11 Arabian double salto forward piked (also with 1/2 turn) = E (not D)

  • III.16 Double salto backward piked = D (not C)

  • III.18 Luikin – Triple salto bwd tucked = I (not H)

  • III.24 Nagornyy – Triple salto bwd piked = J (not I)

  • III.35 Salto bwd straight with 1/1 and salto bwd piked. = E

  • III.41 Tamayo - Arabian double salto forward straight = E Shares box with Double salto bwd straight​

  • III.41 Double salto bwd straight = E (not D) Shares box with double salto stretched with ½ twist and Tamayo.

  • III.48 Double salto bwd straight with 1/1 twists = F (not E)

  • III.42 Double salto bwd straight with 3/2 twists = G (not F)

  • III.54 Double salto bwd straight with 2/1 twists = G (not F)

  • III.30 Double salto bwd straight with 5/2 twists = H (not G)

  • III.60 Minami - Double salto bwd tucked with 7/2 twists = H

  • III.66 Double salto bwd straight with 3/1 twists = I (not H)

  • III.72 Jarman - Double salto bwd straight with 7/2 twists = J

  • All single Saltos (forward & backward) with 1/1 or more twists moved to EG IV (no notable value changes)

Pommel Horse

  • Deductions for angular deviation from a perfect cross or side support is taken for each skewed element (not per circle) (Article 9.2.12.b) - Apply the single most significant deduction earned during the element (MTC Newsletter 4)

  • “Russian wendeswing travel elements end when the travel action or Russian wendeswing action is interrupted by additional or intermediate support or ended in some other way.” (Article

  • A Wu Guonian requires two hands between the pommels (Article

    • A "Wu" with only one hand in between the pommels will receive D value (FIG Courses 2024/2025)​

    • A "Wu" with hand placements on the pommels (e.g., Belyavskiy) will receive D value (FIG Courses 2024/2025)

    • A "Wu" with an extra hand-placement (studder-step) = non-recognition (FIG Courses 2024/2025) 

  • “All travels with spindle should be started from front support in appropriate position.” Article

  • III.38 Cross support travel backward must finish in 1-1 cross support for credit (FIG Courses 2024/2025)

  • “All scissors through handstand on one pommel require a leg change (like double scissor) to receive value.” (Article

    • Scissors through handstand that change pommels (e.g. Bryan) must also change legs on the downswing to receive value (IC Course 2024)​

  • Added example to clarify on Flops that a gymnast may not do the same element three times in a row 

    • LLLS will receive B-rep-rep-NR​

  • A DSA at the end of a flop must end on 2 pommels. If DSA ends on the leather the DSA will not be recognized and the flop will receive a lower value (IC Course 2024)

  • Condensed Special Repetition rule regarding a maximum of two 3/3 cross support travels (reduced to 6 elements) to reflect merging of elements into the same box. (Article

  • Maximum of 2 Bezugo and/or Sohn-type elements, including combined and handstands (previously 2 of each were permitted of each) (Article

  • Maximum of 4 elements in flairs are permitted for value (not including the dismount) (Article

    • A Busnari is considered to be a flaired element (MTC Newsletter 4)​

  • “Busnari-type elements: an exercise cannot include more than one variation of the same type of element. In this case, the elements with the highest difficulty value will be counted” (Article

  • A Moguilny must finish with both hands on leather on the end of the horse (IC Course 2024)

    • If the Moguilny finishes with one hand on the pommel = Non-recognition​

  • A circle crossways with one hand on leather and one hand on the pommel does not exist and has no value (IC Course 2024)

    • However, a circle in such a position can still be used to break-up two consecutive flops (IC Course 2024)​

  • If a gymnast repeats a dismount, they can only receive credit for the repeated dismount, not skills performed prior to the repeated dismount (MTC Newsletter 4)

  • Scissor to handstand with additional hand support or grip change = -0.1 (ATL Course 2024)

  • Deductions for arm bend during Russians (including dismounts) should be noted (IC Course 2024)

  • Differentiation between "lack of extension" (-0.1 per element) and "hip break (-0.1 or -0.3 per occurrence) (ATL Course 2025)

    • "Extension" refers to the general position throughout the entire element. Can include hip bends or excessive hollow​ (e.g.,
      , pike throughout the entire element​)

    • "Hip break" is a quick pike action during part of a circle (often done to accelerate a circle)

      • Possible to have 2 hip break deductions in the same circle/element (e.g., Sohn with hip break at the start to initiate the turn and hip break again at the end to finish​

  • Travel elements: an exercise cannot include more than one variation of the same type of element.

    • The elements with the highest difficulty value will be counted.

    • This rule applies to the following travels ONLY: (Article

      • i.  3/3 Russian Wendeswings travel elements:

        • II.64 From support 1-2, 3/3 travel in Russian type wendeswing with 630° or more turning.

        • III.65 Any 3/3 travel in Russian type wendeswing with 720° or more turning (Wu Guonian).

        • III.70 Any Russian wendeswing with 360° t. and 3/3 travel (Roth).

      • ii. Tong Fei style travel elements:

        • III.57 From support on 1 pommel, Russian wendeswing to the other end without support on or between the pommels (side to side support, side to cross support).

        • III.58 From support on end, Russian wendeswing to the other end without support on or between the pommels (side to side, side to cross, cross to side, cross to cross) (Tong Fei).

        • III.59 On the leather, from cross support, Russian wendeswing with 360° or more over both pommels (Vammen)

      • iii. Nin Reyes style travel elements:

        • III.22 Travel fwd. 3/3 with ½ Spindle from one pommel over the other pommel (Nin Reyes).

        • III.23 Travel fwd. 3/3 over both pommels with ½ Spindle (Nin Reyes 2).

        • For example:

          • Nin Reyes (III.22) + Nin Reyes 2 (III.23). D jury action: Rep + E value

          •  Nin Reyes (III.22) + Keikha 4 (III.23). D jury action: D Value + E value

          • Titov (III.22) + Nin Reyes 2 (III.23). D jury action: D Value + E value


  • Added Non-recognition on the table of deductions for:

    • Handstand with visible strength

    • Pausing or stopping in handstand


  • Element performance modifications:

    • Element I.16 Mikulak - Removed "with hop" from the description

    • Element II.8 Circles in cross support on 1 pommel - Must finish on one pommel (Box II.8 pictogram)

    • Element II.25 Any 1/4 spindle - removed "on end" 

    • Element IV.1 Wende from circle dismount also includes from Russian 180º or 270º


  • PH Removed Statements & Articles:

    • Removed: from Article 11.2.1.c: “Circles with a slightly hollow position are permitted” (i.e., a slight hollow position is no longer permitted)

    • Removed statement. “Unless otherwise indicated all 1/2 turns (Czechs & Stocklies) have the same value.

    • Removed statement that "flops can only be of D, E, or F value (i.e., 3 or 4 elements)" (previously Article

    • Removed upgrade exception for flops performed in flair (previously Article

    • Removed -0.3 D Jury deduction for non-utilization of all 3 parts of the horse.

Pommel Horse
Element Value Changes

Many elements changed location for better organization. 
Only location changes with value changes are noted here

Element Value Changes:

  • II.26 Keika 2 - Side support, 1/2 spindle with both pommels between the hands = B (not C)

    • Shares box with “Any 1/2 spindle”

  • II.36 Cross support, 1/1 spindle w/ hands between the pommels = F (not E)

  • II.58 Sohn - Kehr with 1/1 turn on 1 pommel = D (not E)

    • Bezugo remains E

  • All Russians with 360º of turning or more on 2 pommels or on leather, including dismounts, are downgraded one letter:

    • II.91/II.103/IV.7 Russian with 360º or 540º = A (not B)

    • II.92/II.104/IV.8 Russian with 720º or 900º = B (not C)

    • II.93/II.105/IV.9 Russian with 1080º or more = C (not D)

    • Values of Russians on a single pommel or with hands between the pommels remain unchanged

  • III.35 Driggs - 3/3 Cross support travel forward over both pommels with hop = E (not F)

    • Shares box with Travel forward in cross support over both pommels (without hop)

  • Circle in cross support to Wende = 2 elements (ATL Course 2025):

    • II.7 Circle in cross-support frontways

    • IV.1 Wende from circle​

  • IV.13 From side support wendeswing forward with 1/2 turn to support followed by Wende = A (not B)

  • New EG IV Element: Targhetta - Bertoncelj to handstand = D (FIG Courses 2024/2025)


The following elements have been removed:


  • Circle in side support on 1 pommel (previously B value II.2)

    • Circle in cross support on 1 pommel (B value II.8) still remains​

  • All travels with ½ spindle in cross support 1/3 travel (previously B value III.20)

  • All travels with ½ spindle in cross support ½ or 2/3 travel (previously C value III.21)

  • Bilozerchev - From front cross support on end, travel forward in 2 circles to 1st pommel to 2nd pommel with 1/4 turn to side support on other end 3/3 (previously C value III.45)

  • Urzica - From support on end, Kehr forward around 1st pommel, reverse Stöckli around 2nd pommel to side support, pommel between hands (previously C value III.57)

  • Kroll- From side support pommel between hands, Russian wendeswing 360º with travel to other end in side support (previously C value III.81)



A circle cross support entirely in 1-2 position has no value, but can be used to divide flop elements (FIG Courses 2024/2025)


  • Angular deviations for strength elements and simple hold positions have been modified (Articles,

    • A deviation up to >5º from a perfect hold position is permitted without penalty.

    • Also applies to swing to strength hold positions

  • Added Honma to support, then lower backward to inverted hang to list of -0.3 compositional errors (Article

  • Yamawaki or Jonasson directly to a swing to a held handstand gets upgraded one letter value. (Article

    • Held handstand must be within the 8 counting elements​

    • A Honma swing to handstand will not result in an upgrade (MTC Newsletter 4)

  • Clarified deductions for Jonasson/Yamawaki elements as (Article

    • “clear support” = -0.5 large deduction and non-recognition

    • “interruption” = -0.3 medium deduction

    • “slowly” = -0.1 small deduction

  • For press to swallow or planche from a hanging scale rearways (II.72) The hanging scale rearways does not need to be in the 8 counting elements (MTC Newsletter 4)

  • Added criteria for strength presses from hang that the press should start in a hang position with arms and body vertical and straight (Article

  • Added criteria for Nakayama-type elements to be performed slowly (Article

  • Added example to show distinct movement of the body for Swallow press to Planche (Article

  • If a swinging element is not counted among the top 8 counting elements, and this swinging element breaks apart an EG 2/3 "3 in a row" strength sequence, then the 4th, 5th etc. strength elements must not be recognized. (MTC Communication)

    • If the elimination of the subsequent strength elements causes less than 8 elements to be counted, then the swinging element(s) that were previously not counted because they were not in the highest 8 counting elements may now be returned to the counting elements.- The deleted strength elements may not be returned (IC Course 2024)

    • Yamawaki/Jonasson value increases when immediately followed by a swing to handstand. The value only increases if the Yamawaki/Jonasson and the swing handstand are within the top 7 elements (IC Course 2024)

  • Removed: Maximum of 2 Guczoghy-type elements as all Guczoghy-type elements have been condensed to 2 boxes. (previously Article

  • Will add NR to -0.5 deductions for: (ATL Course 2025)

    • Bent arms during swing to strength hold parts​

    • Bent arms during hold and press to strength hold elements

  • Deductions for imprecise body position on dismounts should be noted (idem on all apparatus) (IC Course 2024)

Element Value Changes

Element Value Changes:

  • I.22 O’Neill - Straight double salto backward to hang = D (not E)

    • Shares box with Piked Guczoghy.

  • I.44 Yamawaki = B (not C)

  • I.45 Johansson = C (not D)

  • II.4 Inverted Cross = D (not C)

  • II.15 Cross = C (not B)

    • Shares box with V Cross

  • II.52 Tay - Azarian to V Cross = D (not E)

    • Shares box with Azarian to cross or L cross​

  • II.58 NG Kiu Chung - Nakayama to V cross = D (not E)

    • Shares box with Nakayama to cross or L cross​

  • II.66 Tulloch 2 - From hang, vertical pull up to inverted swallow = G (not F)

  • II.77 From L-cross, press to inverted cross = E (not D)

  • II.78 From cross, press with straight body to inverted cross = F (not E)

  • II.84 From swallow, press to inverted cross = F (not E)

  • II.90 Carmona - from back lever, press with straight body to inverted cross = G (not F)

  • II.132 Balandin 1 - From hang, vertical pull up to swallow = F (not E)

  • II.138 Balandin 2 - From hang, vertical pull to inverted cross = G (not E)

  • III.50 Deltchev = B EG III (not EG II)

  • IV.42 Whittenburg – Triple salto backward piked = I (not H)

  • IV.45 Double salto backward tucked with 3/2 twist = C (not D)

    • Shares box with Double salto backward tucked with 1/2 twist and 1/1 twist

The following elements have been added:

  • II.?? Zou 2 From inverted cross, lower to inverted hang and felge backward to support scale = E (MTC Newsletter 4)

  • ​IV.?? Double salto backward tucked with 3/1 twist = G (MTC Newsletter 4)





The following elements have been removed:

  • Back uprise to straddled L sit (previously B value I.62)

    • Will now be evaluated as 2 separate A value elements​ (MTC Newsletter 4)

  • From inverted cross, press to handstand (previously D value II.4)

  • Slow roll forward straight to handstand (previously D value II.33)

  • Slow roll forward straight to inverted cross (previously D value II.34)

  • From planche, press to inverted cross (previously D value II.82)

  • Ait Said - From hang, slow roll backward with straight arms and body to handstand through swallow (previously E value II.113)

  • Kato - Back uprise to V cross (previously D value III.34)


  • Round off entry vaults have been divided into two Groups​

    • Group I     Single salto vaults with complex twists.

    • Group II    Handspring salto vaults with or without simple twists, and all double salto fwd.

    • Group III   Handspring sideways and Tsukahara vaults with or without simple twists, and all double salto bwd.

    • Group IV   Round off entry and single salto vaults with complex twists.

    • Group V    Round off entry vaults with or without simple twists, and all double salto fwd. or bwd.

  • Added E Jury deductions for angular deviation during support phase 

    • -0.1 for ​≤30º

    • -0.3 for >30º-60º

  • The following actions will count as one of two allowed warm-up vaults (MTC Newsletter 4)

    • The gymnast performs an empty run without touching the springboard or apparatus.​

    • The gymnast stands on the table and performs a jump or salto off the table.

vault e jury phase deductions.png

Element Value Changes

All Vaults have been de-valued by 0.4 for better parity of scores across all apparatus, as the other apparatus have been reduced to 8 counting elements. 


  • Added angular deviation deductions during the support phase to the E Jury deduction chart

    • -0.1 <30º

    • -0.3 30º-60º  

  • Angular deviations include: (FIG Courses 2024/2025)

    • Not enough turn on Tsukahara and handspring vaults

    • Turning early for Yurchenko twist vaults


Element Changes:

  • EG IV and EG V have been reorganized according to vault post-flight instead of pre-flight. 

    • See screenshot for re-organization​

  • Added Element: 122 Tsuk tucked 5/2 = 3.6

  • 113 Handspring straight ½ (Cuervo straight) = 3.6

    • Moved to Group 1 (not 2)

  • 119 Tsuk tucked 1/1 (Kasamatsu) = 2.4

    • Moved to Group 1 (not 3)

  • 125 Tsuk straight 1/1 (Kas straight) = 3.6

    • Moved to Group 1 (not 3)

  • 101 Handspring tucked ½ (Cuervo tucked) = 2.4

    • Moved to Group 1 (not 2)

  • 107  Should be Handspring piked 1/2 (Cuervo piked) = 2.8  on the Vault quick reference chart

  • Vault numbers have changed for:

    • 102 Handspring tucked 1/1​

    • 103 Kroll - Handspring tucked 3/2

    • 104 Canbas - Handspring tucked 2/1

    • 108 Handspring piked 1/1

    • 109 Handspring piked 3/2​​​​

2025 Yurchenko Values.png

The following elements have been removed:


  • All Scherbo-type vaults (Yurchenko 1/1 turn on to the table) have been eliminated

Parallel Bars

  • Changed order of first two Element Groups

    • I. Elements starting in upper arm position.

    • II. Elements in support or through support on 2 bars.

  • Added to list of empty reversal of direction (-0.3 deduction) (Article

    • Back swing in support to handstand (also with 2 second hold), layaway to upper-arm hang, hang, or support.  

    • After a swing to handstand, the next element must continue in the same direction (1/2 turn, Gatson, Healy, etc.)

      • This applies only to Element II.1 (Swing to Handstand)

      • Other non-turning elements that end in handstand (e.g. Press handstand, Back uprise handstand, or Tippelt) do not need to continue in the same direction. (MTC Newsletter 4). ​

      • In the event of a fall, a gymnast is allowed a swing to handstand to continue their routine without incurring a -0.3 deduction for reversal of direction (MTC Newsletter 4)

      • Elements performed before the handstand to regain position following a fall do not count for D score value, but deductions for holding errors during these elements will still apply (IC Course 2024)

  • Added “For elements that are defined as finishing in a handstand, such as Diamidov, the gymnast must clearly show the handstand position (with straight arms) before proceeding into elements such as long hang or upper arm support. Otherwise, the element may not be recognized.” (Article​

    • Non-recognition can occur for excessive arm bend or angle deviation from handstand (ATL Course 2025)​

  • II.28 Diamidov with 1/2 to Handstand (D) must end in double undergrip (IC Course 2024)

    • Otherwise -0.1 deduction for hand change​

    • Diamidov to mixed grip is allowed if the gymnast follows it with a kip on 1 bar

    • A simple reverse handstand pirouette (II.91) must also pass through double undergrip (ATL Course 2025)

  • 2 second hold requirement removed for swing to handstand (Element II.1)

    • The circle indicating a hold in the pictogram will be removed (IC Course 2024)​

  • Maximum two front uprise through handstand style elements (I.5, I.6, I.11, I.12, I.15, I.17, I.18) (Article

  • For elements to one bar connected to Healy from one bar, both elements must be in the top 8 counting elements to receive the upgrades (GC Course 2025)

  • Combined lack of extension at horizontal or uncontrolled regrasping after saltos into one set of deductions (-0.1, -0.3, -0.5).

    • If two potential deductions exist, then take the maximum one (MTC Newsletter 4)​

  • Deduction for shoulders closing before body opening action at the start of the descent for Moy/Tippelt/Bhavsar should be noted (-0.1) (IC Course 2024)​​​​

Parallel Bars
Element Value Changes

Element Changes:

  • All double salto elements upgraded 1 letter

    • I.24 Dimentrenko – Front uprise to 3/2 salto backward to upper arm hang = F (not E)

    • I.30. Li Xiaopeng – Dimentrenko piked = G (not F)

    • 1.40 Back uprise with 1/2 turn hop to handstand = D (not C) (IC Course 2024)

    • 1.41 Back uprise with 3/4 hop to handstand on one rail = E (not D) (IC Course 2024)

    • I.54 Back uprise double salto forward to tucked upper arm hang = F (not E)

    • II.47 Morisue - Double salto tuck to upper arm hang = E (not D)

    • II.48 Huang Liping - Double salto piked to upper arm hang = F (not E)

  • II.52 Suarez - 3/2 salto backward with 1/2 twist to upper arm hang = D (was listed as E in April 2024 draft)

    • II.54 Kuavita - Double salto backward with 1/2 turn to upper arm hang = G (not F)

    • II.113 Double salto forward tucked to upper arm hang = E (not D)

    • II.114 Double salto forward piked to upper arm hang = F (not E)

    • III.59 Belle - From giant swing backward, double salto backward tucked to upper arm hang = E (not D)

    • III.60 Belle piked = F (not E)

    • III.66 Quintero - Belle with 1/1 turn = H (not G)

    • III.72 Tanaka - From Giant 1/2 turn 3/2 salto forward  tucked to upper arm hang = G (not F)

    • III.78 Esparza - Grom Giant 1/2 turn 3/2 salto forward piked to upper arm hang = H (not G)

  • All Healy-type elements downgraded one letter value

    • II.73 Healy to upper arm hang = A (not B)

    • II.74 Following min. B swing element on 1 rail, Healy to upper arm hang = B (not C)

    • II.75 Healy to support = C (not D)

    • II.76 Following min. B swing element on 1 rail, Healy to support = D (not D)

  • All Gatson-style elements upgraded on letter value

    • II.81 Swing backward with hop ½ turn to handstand = C (not B)

    • II.82 Swing backward with hop ¾ turn to handstand = D (not C)

    • II.83 Gatson 1 – Swing backward with hop 1/1 turn to handstand = E (not D)

    • II.83 New Element (added to box): Patron - Swing backward with hop 1/1 (reverse direction) to handstand = E (ATL Course 2025)

    • II.84 Gatson 2 – Gatson 1 with ¼ turn to handstand on 1 rail and ¼ turn handstand on 2 rails = F (not E)​

  • III.71 Solis - Giant swing backward and salto with 1/2 twist to hang = E (MTC Newsletter 4)

  • III.122 Gagnon - Basket with salto backward tucked with ½ turn to upper arm hang = B (not C)

  • III.123 Gagnon 2 - Basket with salto backward piked with ½ turn to upper arm hang = C (not D)

  • IV.8 Salto forward piked or straight with 1/1 = B (not C)

  • IV.47 Added Element: Alvarez - From hang on end, double salto bwd straight = E (MTC Newsletter 4)

  • IV.48 Added Element: From hang on end, triple salto bwd tucked = G (MTC Newsletter 4)​​​

The following elements have been removed:

  • Straddle cut backward and salto forward to upper arm hang (previously B value 1.20)

  • Salto forward tucked or pike with 1/4 turn to hang on 1 rail (previously B value I.104)

High Bar

  • Connection bonus is now: (Article

    • C Flight + D Flight = +0.1

    • D Flight + D Flight = +0.1

    • D or higher Flight + E or higher Flight = +0.2

    • D or higher EG 1 or 3 + D Flight = +0.1

    • D or higher EG 1 or 3 + E or higher Flight = +0.2

    • Must be inside the 8 counting elements

  • Only two Tkatchev & Piatti, Kovacs, Gienger, Jäger, Markelov or Saltos fwd over the bar style flight elements are permitted. The gymnast may perform a 5th flight if at least two flights are connected (Article

  • In the case of Special Repetition, count the higher value element regardless of other factors. If the values are equal, then choose the element to count for the benefit of the gymnast (IC Course 2024)

  • Specified angle deduction for downgrading Yamawaki to B value as having a bent body of more than 45º (Article

  • Giengers must show a distinct rise. Body position may be any position between stretched or piked (ATL Course)

  • Revised angular deviation tables as follows: (Article (See table)

angular deviations tables.png


  • Deductions should be noted for: (Already in 2025 CoP, but emphasized during the IC Course 2024)

    • Sliding hand movements during exercise (-0.1 each time)​

    • Zou Li Min: Insufficient body rotation - measured at the maximum point of turn - usually between horizontal and vertical on the downswing

    • Endo/Stalder with legs together: Insufficient turn-over (Measured when body is directly under the bar)

    • Swing at the start of exercise (max. 3 swings), a swing of any amplitude = 1 swing

High Bar
Element Value Changes

Element Changes:

  • II.6 Walstrom – Yamawaki with 1/1 turn = G (not F)

  • II.18 Liukin – Tkatchev straight with 1/1 turn = G (not F)

  • II.36 Suarez - Piatti straight with 1/1 turn = H (not G)

  • Jäger-type elements upgraded:

    • II.40 Piked Jäger = D (not C)

    • II.41 Balbanov - Straight Jäger = E (not D)

    • II.42 Winkler-Pogorelev - Straight Jäger with 1/1 twist = G (not F)

    • II.48 Jäger straight with 2/1 twist = H (not G)

    • II.39 Jäger tuck or straddled remains a C

  • II.58 Gienger = D (not C)

  • II.60 Def - Gienger with 1/1 twist = G (not F)

  • Gaylord-type elements upgraded:

    • II.65 Gaylord - Salto forward over the bar = E (not D)

    • II.66 Pegan - Gaylord with ½ twist = G (not F)

    • II.72 Kudinov - Gaylord with 1/1 twist = H (not G)

    • II.78 Gaylord piked = F (not E)

    • II.84 Maras - Pegan piked = H (not G)

  • Added: IV.59 Valverde - Double salto bwd straight with 2/1 twist over the bar (MTC Newsletter 4)

The following elements have been removed:

  • Giant swing backward with inlocation (previously A value I.73)

Please let me know if you notice any significant omissions or errors.
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